PEP Connections

PEP OhioRISE Care Coordinator Builds Trust to Make a Difference

PEP OhioRISE Care Coordinator Builds Trust to Make a Difference On the day she met her new 3-year-old client Josh*, Misty Eddy, an OhioRISE care coordinator at PEP Connections, immediately understood why she was needed. The youngster was a bundle of energy, bouncing off every piece of furniture and literally climbing the walls. Temper tantrums
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PEP Connections

PEP Connections Wins Director’s Award from Ohio Medicaid

PEP Connections Wins Director’s Award from Ohio Medicaid PEP Connections has received the inaugural OhioRISE Director’s Award from Ohio Medicaid. It shares the honor with its fellow Cuyahoga County care management entities or CMEs, OhioGuidestone and Ravenwood Health. (CMEs are OhioRISE partner agencies that connect members to their service areas.) The award recognizes CMEs that
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PEP Connections

OhioRISE Infographic for Parents Highlights the Basics

OhioRISE Infographic for Parents Highlights the Basics Brace yourself for a long and jargon-filled description. Positive Education Program is the Care Management Entity for central Cuyahoga County for Ohio Medicaid’s new specialized managed care program known as OhioRISE, which uses a high-fidelity wraparound approach to help youth who have complex behavioral health needs or multi-system
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PEP’s Olga Rosado Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

PEP’s Olga Rosado Receives Lifetime Achievement Award On Sept. 16, PEP Connections care coordinator Olga Rosado was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award during the Hispanic Heritage Month ceremony at Cleveland City Hall. Ms. Rosado, who is bilingual, joined PEP in December of 2021. Prior to that, she spent 30 years in public service roles within
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