PEP Day Treatment Centers

It’s More than Just Music Class at PEP

It’s More than Just Music Class at PEP At PEP music class is more than just part of a well-rounded educational curriculum. It’s part of a strategic, therapeutic approach to help young people who struggle with emotional regulation and whose social emotional skills are lagging. A Typical Lesson in Music Class at PEP Kathlene Cramer
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PEP Day Treatment Centers

PEP Willow Creek Begins Equine-Assisted Therapy

PEP Willow Creek Begins Equine-Assisted Therapy There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. This quotation, famously coined by Winston Churchill, is being put to the test at PEP Willow Creek this year. Each week a group of students heads to Reining for Hope in
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PEP Day Treatment Centers

New ELA Curriculum Supports High-Quality Instruction

New ELA Curriculum Supports High-Quality Instruction Over the last decade, research in the science of reading has advanced our understanding of how students learn to read dramatically. We now understand that it is essential materials are meaningful, relevant, and have a significant relationship to the world around us. To ensure Positive Education Program is offering
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