Philosophy & Methodology

PEP’s Values: Joy. Integrity. Aspiration. Courage. Heart.

PEP’s Values: Joy. Integrity. Aspiration. Courage. Heart. By Habeebah R. Grimes, CEO, Positive Education Program Joy. Integrity. Aspiration. Courage. Heart. These are PEP’s values. They were carefully curated and thoughtfully defined during the recent strategic planning process by PEP’s strategic planning team, a cross-section of PEP staff and members of the board of directors. Arriving
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Philosophy & Methodology

Trust is Essential in All We Do

Trust is Essential: The Bedrock of the Re-ED Principles Contributed by Kenneth Siemen, Director, Staff Development At Positive Education Program it is difficult to overstate how important the philosophy of Re-ED and its principles are. All our work with young people is grounded in this strengths-based approach. Re-ED’s architect, Dr. Nicholas Hobbs, outlined 12 principles
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Philosophy & Methodology

Numbers Don’t Lie: Racism in the Educational System

Numbers Don’t Lie: Racism in the Educational System RACISM IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IS A FACT.             By Habeebah R. Grimes, CEO; Marilyn Mauck, chief instruction and achievement officer; and Michelle Breen, chief clinical officer Numbers don’t lie. Black students are two times more likely to be suspended without access
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The Opportunity to Play: Step One on the “Competence Makes a Difference” Journey

The Opportunity to Play: Step One on the “Competence Makes a Difference” Journey FOR MANY OF THEM, MENTAL HEALTH STRUGGLES OR BEHAVIORAL CHALLENGES HAVE MADE PARTICIPATION IN A TYPICAL SCHOOL SETTING UNREALISTIC. Contributed by David Weiss, occupational therapist, PEP Prentiss   “Mr. Weiss, I am SO PROUD OF MYSELF!” DeShawn* exclaimed to me out of
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