Philosophy & Methodology

Re-ED 101: Three Big Ideas that Changed Everything

Re-ED 101: Three Big Ideas that Changed Everything SO, WHAT WAS IT THAT LED THESE PEP VISIONARIES TO BUILD THEIR PROGRAM AROUND SUCH A NEW AND RELATIVELY UNTESTED PHILOSOPHY? Contributed by Kenneth Siemen, Director, Staff Development For Positive Education Program, Re-ED has been our North Star from the beginning. It is a philosophy that guides
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Nurturing a Growth Mindset

What is Growth Mindset? That a person’s abilities can be shaped through their own efforts is the key concept behind psychologist Carol Dweck’s theory of “growth mindset.” In this theory, people can develop basic qualities like intelligence through dedication and hard work. Those with a fixed mindset, on the other hand, believe basic qualities are
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PEP Day Treatment Centers

All Interactions are Teachable Moments

Every interaction – even the most challenging– can be a teachable moment for a child, and it’s our job as educators and caregivers to give young learners the tools they need to manage and communicate their feelings. But first, we need a toolbox of our own. Enter Conscious Discipline, a comprehensive social-emotional learning program developed
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