Returning to School Social Stories Ease the Transition

Preparing for the Return

After such a long break from in-person learning, the transition back to school may be challenging for some students. What’s more, school will look a lot different, too, as we follow rules to minimize illness. Fortunately, PEP’s returning to school Social Stories can help prepare students for these changes.

Social Stories, developed by Carol Gray in 1993 and described in more detail by PEP in a previous piece, can be useful in navigating change for students and in clarifying social expectations. Though they were initially developed for children on the spectrum, Social Stories can be helpful for all students. In preparation for the return to Day Treatment Centers, PEP’s Autism Collaborative has created several returning to school Social Stories to ease the transition.

Returning to School Social Stories

Social Stories can cover a wide range of topics but are especially helpful in sharing information about changes in routines, expectations, and procedures. That’s why we’ve created these stories ahead of PEP’s return. These stories can be read to students during their Zoom groups and posted on Seesaw so they can be familiar with the changes and new expectations.

More Information

There are a variety of stories that have been developed to address the changes that come with returning to school. Talk to your SLP to see what other Social Stories might be helpful to your students. For more in-depth information on Social Stories, visit Carol Gray’s website.

This piece was submitted in partnership by Mary Bonamer, Ph.D., L.P., clinical coordinator and Kelly Reinartz, speech-language pathologist, as part of PEP’s Autism Collaborative.