Re-ED in Real Life: Making Life-Changing Strides at PEP

Re-ED in Real Life: Making Life Changing Strides at PEP

PEP Staff Development Director Ken Siemen recently sat down to talk about the transformative power of Re-ED. Siemen, who has spent his entire career at PEP, told the story of a student he had years ago, Joey, who made tremendous strides – literally and figuratively – at PEP when his teachers discovered his talent for running.

With the Re-ED principle, “competence makes a difference” in mind, the teachers set up races for the entire school. Joey did tremendously well and he began to change the way he thought about himself. His classmates changed their perception as well. Soon, Joey began to make progress, engaging more in class and and making an effort with his academics.

Eventually, Joey transitioned back to his home district, but not before PEP verified that he would be able to try out for the track team. Again, Joey excelled. By the time he reached high school, he was an outstanding athlete and ended up winning first place in the state for 400 meters.

Joey continued to flourish in all areas of his life.

“What I like about the Joey story,” says Siemen, “is that we were able to observe and explore areas that he had some confidence in and [find] something that he was competent in doing. Competence does make a difference.”

Siemen was happy to share Joey’s story but he says he has seen the transformative power of Re-ED again and again in his career.  “Joey is one story. He’s just one story” Siemen says.

Watch the full video here. 

To learn more about Re-ED visit our website. Contact Nicole Molnar, sr. director, clinical services, at 216-361-7760 ext. 110 or via email to see if a student in your district may be a good fit.

Please note, referrals to PEP’s Day Treatment Centers are made through school districts. Interested parents or caregivers should contact their school administrator.