Philosophy & Methodology

Darlene Kelly on Navigating Change at PEP

Darlene Kelly on Navigating Change at PEP This year has been an exciting one in many ways at Positive Education Program. Not only has the organization adopted a new strategic framework – including new mission, vision and values – it has also changed its branding and logo. PEP looks different today than when it was
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Philosophy & Methodology

Views on Equity from a White Teacher

Views on Equity from a White Teacher Snapshots of Racism Being a White teacher while being a champion of equity is a little like having a cloak of invisibility. Other White people believe they can speak freely to me about their racist beliefs and that I – being part of the “club” – will validate
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Philosophy & Methodology

Dreams Mean Hope for Healing

Dreams Mean Hope for Healing Dreams are coming true at PEP! Believe in Dreams is a local nonprofit that grants dreams to youth who have faced traumatic, non-medical events, giving them access to enriching opportunities, connection to their communities, and hope for their future. Over the last several months, several of PEP’s Day Treatment Center
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