
PEP Training Institute will be Held June 12 & 13

The PEP Training Institute will be Held June 12 & 13 With seats selling out at the winter PEP Training Institute earlier this year, Positive Education Program has scheduled a summer session for those who may have missed it. The program’s title is Trauma-Informed Care and Crisis Interventions Made Simple. Implementing trauma-informed care and crisis
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Two PEP Educators Named Teacher of the Year by CMBA

Two PEP Educators Named Teacher of the Year by CMBA On April 11, the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) announced they will honor two PEP educators with their 3Rs Teacher of the Year award: Christine Zanoni, the agency’s director of curriculum and instruction and William Brown, a teacher-counselor at PEP Eastwood. This year, Ms. Zanoni
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PEP Students Learning About Law from CMBA Volunteers

PEP Students Learning about Law from CMBA Volunteers Students from PEP Greenview and PEP Eastwood are learning about law from Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) volunteers through a program known as The 3Rs,* which stands for rights, responsibilities and realities. Since it began in 2006, The 3Rs has connected lawyers, judges, law students and paralegals
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Creating a Beloved Community at PEP and Beyond

Creating a Beloved Community at PEP and Beyond By Habeebah Rasheed Grimes, CEO, Positive Education Program A few years ago, I had the privilege of serving as a panelist at The City Club of Cleveland event, Racism, Inequity, and Public Health: Cuyahoga County’s Response, Part II. As I prepared for this discussion on the devastating
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