Philosophy & Methodology

You Can’t Be “Sort Of” Inclusive

You Can’t Be “Sort of” Inclusive Inclusion Under Fire Is it just me or is there a huge gap in logic here?  I have been asking myself this question a lot lately. I see numerous news reports out of Florida where Governor DeSantis or other public officials congratulate themselves for promoting inclusivity and freedom in
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Philosophy & Methodology

Growing Number of Staff with NMT Certification Sets PEP Apart

Growing Number of Staff with NMT Certification Sets PEP Apart In January Positive Education Program reached another milestone: a new group of eight staff achieved Phase I certification in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT). That brings the total number of clinicians with Phase I NMT certification at PEP to 23. Five of these individuals
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PEP Students Learning About Law from CMBA Volunteers

PEP Students Learning about Law from CMBA Volunteers Students from PEP Greenview and PEP Eastwood are learning about law from Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) volunteers through a program known as The 3Rs,* which stands for rights, responsibilities and realities. Since it began in 2006, The 3Rs has connected lawyers, judges, law students and paralegals
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Dance at PEP Allows Students to Be Themselves

Dance at PEP Allows Students to Be Themselves A Typical Session “Inhale positive thoughts,” says Dezi Marlow who leads dance therapy at PEP Prentiss Autism Center. He takes a deep breath in and raises his hands slowly over his head. “And we’re gonna exhale. Release the weak,” he continues, while bringing his arms back down
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