
The Reinvention of PEP’s Early Childhood Programming

The Reinvention of PEP’s Early Childhood Programming In the mid-1990s, as Welfare to Work took shape, more children than ever before attended child care. Soon after, a challenge evolved. Many children new to child care exhibited challenging behaviors, and they were being expelled. This pattern created two problems – parents could not maintain employment and
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Spectrum News Series Features Multiple PEP Programs

For the last several months, Spectrum News 1 in Ohio has been covering the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, in a series called, “Building Resilient Communities.” The series, which aired across the state, educates the community about trauma, its long-term negative impact on people, and strategies being used to mitigate its effects. Positive
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PEP Leads the Way for Young People with Autism

PEP Leads the Way for Young People with Autism In the mid-1980s, school districts sought help from Positive Education Program in serving students who had limited communication capabilities and intense behavioral challenges. Though the terminology was not as widely used as it is today, many of these students were autistic. Districts knew these young people
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PEP’s Legacy of Innovation

PEP’s Legacy of Innovation When our community faces daunting challenges related to our youth, it turns to PEP for answers. Our legacy of innovation has been a proud theme at PEP for 50 years, one that is always focused on supporting young people to overcome and thrive. When we saw how trauma and adversity were
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