
PEP Program Closure for COVID-19

On March 12, Governor Dewine announced that all Ohio schools will have a three-week Spring break as a precaution against the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This order applies to all Ohio K-12 schools. The following Day Treatment Centers will close beginning Monday, March 16 at 3:30 p.m. through Friday, April 3. PEP Eastwood PEP Greenview
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Social Emotional Learning and Youth Mental Health

  It’s no secret that socioeconomic status, gender or sexual identity and ethnic or racial minority status can all be associated with poorer mental health outcomes for youth. Quite often, when statistics about these outcomes are cited, the finger is pointed to inadequate access to mental health care for these groups and not social emotional
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Using “Brain Breaks” to Boost Attention

Why Brain Breaks? The more that is learned about the human brain, the more it is understood that frequent, regularly scheduled movement activities for students are not a luxury. They are a necessity to help students pay attention and learn.  There is evidence that regularly scheduling short “brain breaks,” which include movement and/or exercise during
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