PEP Day Treatment Centers

Tired? Angry? Hopeless? Vicarious Trauma Could be to Blame

looking for remote learning tips? Follow this link. Tired? Angry? Hopeless? Vicarious Trauma Could be to Blame THE RESPONSE TO VICARIOUS TRAUMA CAN LOOK JUST LIKE THE RESPONSE TO THE ORIGINAL TRAUMA ITSELF. Contributed by Alex Baker, Clinical Supervisor, PEP Willow Creek Day Treatment Center You come home from a long day of work, having
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How the OMJ Readiness Seal Can Brighten a Student’s Future

How the OMJ Readiness Seal Can Brighten a Student’s Future ALL ALLIES IN A STUDENT’S ORBIT CAN HELP PREPARE THEM FOR THE NEXT PHASE OF THEIR LIVES Contributed by Julie Lanigan, Coordinator, Educational Services   I want you to think of a high school student you know. Think of someone who has skills that might
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Trauma-Informed Practice Must Integrate Anti-Racist Work

contributed by Habeebah Rasheed Grimes, Chief Executive Officer Anti-Racist Work: An Imperative of Trauma-Informed Practice  I distinctly remember my earliest exposure to the concept of “trauma-informed care” and the notable absence of discussion, research findings and theory about how Black people, and other people of color, might have uniquely racialized experiences with trauma. In the
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